Discussion: African Americans with Hypertension and Better Blood Pressure Control Paper

Discussion: African Americans with Hypertension and Better Blood Pressure Control Paper ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Discussion: African Americans with Hypertension and Better Blood Pressure Control Paper Assignment: On the discussion using a minimum of two articles that are supporting your PICOT question, submit one paragraph synthesizing the research into clear, concise statements without separately reviewing each of the studies in the paragraph—but by paraphrasing and synthesizing the work that was done. Discussion: African Americans with Hypertension and Better Blood Pressure Control Paper PICOT Question: In African Americans with hypertension (P), does carrying out lifestyle changes (I) compared to not carrying out lifestyle changes (C) increase better blood pressure control (O) over one year (T)? Continuation of first assignments. At least a ½ to 1 page. Apa format within 5 years, examples below. These two articles should be included in second part of assignment. Assignment 2: Instructions Complete Evidence Table as described in the Evidence Table Worksheet (worksheet attached). Include Weeks worksheet (attached) with completed Evidence Table. Example attached. Please use the databases from chart for articles. JUST A LITTLE INFO ON SYNTHESIS IF HELPS Synthesis of findings To synthesize is to combine two or more elements to form a new whole. In the literature review, the “elements” are the findings of the literature you gather and read; the “new whole” is the conclusion you draw from those findings. Rigorous methods of quantitative assessment are necessary to establish interventions that are both effective and cost-effective. Usually a single study will not fully address these issues and it is desirable to synthesize evidence from multiple sources. At this point in the process you should aim for synthesis of the material. Synthesizing means comparing different material and highlighting similarities, differences, and connections. When a writer synthesizes successfully, he or she presents new ideas based on interpretations of other evidence or arguments. Critical reading and critical thinking are key components of successful synthesizing. Synthesis Determines Synthesis means to combine a number of different pieces into a whole. Synthesis is about concisely summarizing and linking different sources in order to review the literature on a topic, make recommendations, and connect your practice to the research. Synthesis usually goes together with analysis because you break down a concept/idea into its important parts/points (analysis), so you can draw useful conclusions or make decisions about the topic or problem (synthesis). Synthesis Determines Which sources overlap or share the same opinion/findings? Have you found any common traits or themes in the research literature? What choice have you made about this dilemma? Why did you make that choice and not another? What meaning or conclusions do you draw from the data on this topic? How might that new meaning change or reinforce your practice? Why is the piece of research evidence weak or strong? Using the statistics, facts, or knowledge in the research, what kind of story have you crafted for the reader? What is your angle or your personal interpretation of the evidence? How have you shown the reader which parts of the argument (or which pieces of research) are most useful or most important? Examples: PICOT Question: “In patients needing palliative care services (P), can early referrals (I) compared to delayed referrals (C) improve the quality of life as well as symptoms management (O) over a one-year period (T)?” In the contemporary medical world, the impact of timing for delivery of palliative care on quality of life for the terminally ill persons is the focus of many studies. Such is the case given the existence of multiple studies focusing on establishing quality indicators for end-life patients receiving palliative care at early or late onset. A befitting example of such researches is an ENABLE III randomized controlled trial by Bakitas et al., (2015). In this study, the focus of the researchers was to establish the effect of early as compared to delayed palliative care on quality of life, symptom impact, resource utilization, mood, and 1-year survival. The study established that there were increased 1-year survival rates in the patients that received early palliative care as compared to those that had delayed onset of palliative care. However, there was no statistical significant difference between the early and delayed palliative care patients in patient reported outcomes (quality of life, symptom impact, mood, and resource utilization) (Bakitas et al., 2015). Similarly, in another cluster-randomized controlled trial, Zimmermann et al., (2014) targeted at determining the effect of early palliative care on various quality of life indicators in patients with advanced cancer. In this study, the researchers found that early palliative care resulted in positive quality of life for patients with advanced cancer (Zimmermann et al., 2014). That said, it is apparent that the study of the effect of early referrals to palliative care on the quality of life in patients with terminal illness is common. ReferencesDiscussion: African Americans with Hypertension and Better Blood Pressure Control Paper Bakitas, M. A., Tosteson, T. D., Li, Z., Lyons, K. D., Hull, J. G., Li, Z., Dionne-Odom, J. N., Frost, J., Dragnev, K. H., Hegel, M. T., & Azuero, A. (2015). Early versus delayed initiation of concurrent palliative oncology care: patient outcomes in the ENABLE III randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology , 33 (13), 1438. Zimmermann, C., Swami, N., Krzyzanowska, M., Hannon, B., Leighl, N., Oza, A., Moore, M., Rydall, A., Rodin, G., Tannock, I., & Donner, A. (2014). Early palliative care for patients with advanced cancer: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. The Lancet , 383 (9930), 1721-1730. Example 2: Two studies that focused on the nurses’ perception of effectiveness during interprofessional rounding were most relative to my PICOT question. “Impact of surgical intensive care unit interdisciplinary rounds on interprofessional collaboration and quality of care: Mixed qualitative-quantitative study” used an anonymous web-based survey technique (Urisman, Garcia & Harris, 2018). While, “Facilitators and barriers for interprofessional rounding: A qualitative study” an used discussion and exit interviews to accumulate their data (Hendricks, LaMothe, Kara & Miller, 2017). Both studies interviewed not just the nurses like our quantitative studies but all members of the team such as physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, case managers and pharmacists. Both studies found a correlation between those team members that had a positive perception of the rounds felt that it improved their relationship within the interdisciplinary team. Also, they both noted that nurses with more experience were able to benefit and participate more within the rounds. Another correlation between these two studies was that both research studies concluded that the limitation mostly faced for all team members was time to complete the rounds (Hendricks, LaMothe, Kara & Miller, 2017; Urisman, Garcia & Harris, 2018). References Hendricks, S., LaMothe, V.J., Kara, A. & Miller, J. (2017). Facilitators and barriers for interprofessional rounding: A qualitative study. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 31 (4), 219-228. doi: 10.1097/NUR.0000000000000310 Urisman, T., Garcia, A. & Harris, H. (2018). Impact of surgical intensive care unit interdisciplinary rounds on interprofessional collaboration and quality of care: Mixed qualitative-quantitative study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 44, 18-23. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iccn.2017.07.001 Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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