Self Defense for Rape Prevention on Campus Project

Self Defense for Rape Prevention on Campus Project Self Defense for Rape Prevention on Campus Project ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL NURSING PAPERS Home > Health Medical > HPS 330 University of Arizona Self Defense for Rape Prevention on Campus Project Question Description I’m studying for my Health & Medical class and need an explanation. Hi I want you to talk about the self-defense for rape prevention on campus 5 pages specific on Arizona USA. Unformatted Attachment Preview Fall 2020 HPS 330 Project Scoring Sheet Names: __________________________________________________________________ Group Topic: _____________________________________________________________ Late submission after Nov. 25th 5 PM -10 first day, and -1 per day thereafter MINUS _______ Total Points for the Project: -Written document: 65 points -Class Activity: 60 points -Peer Evaluation: 25 points WRITTEN (65) THE PROBLEM: Why should the reader be concerned with the problem you identify? Topic relevant to sexual health? Focus of the problem Definition/description of the problem Importance of the problem to public health FREQUENCY: What evidence establishes its frequency? Scope of the problem Exemplary Satisfactory Unacceptable Problem is relevant and relevance explained using logic and multiple sources 2pt Problem is relevant but relevance is not explained 1pt Problem is irrelevant to this course Balanced; not overly broad or narrow 2pt Detailed description Over-broad Unclear 1pt Moderately detailed 0.5-0pts Not detailed 2pt Reasons why this is a public health issues are stated clearly and well documented with supporting evidence 1pt Public health relevance is implied, or stated without support 0.5-0pts Unclear or not addressed 2pt 1pt 0.5-0pts Exemplary Satisfactory Unacceptable Used multiple statistics described frequency Statistics were not comprehensive No statistics used 2pts 0.5-1pts 0pts 0.5-0pts Total /2 /2 /2 /2 Total /2 1 Fall 2020 HPS 330 Project Scoring Sheet Individual well-being Community well-being Use of scientific studies found in professional journals Individual well-being is addressed and relevant to topic chosen. Details and evidence from peerreviewed sources are provided 2pts Individual well-being is addressed but not extensively supported by peer-reviewed sources Individual well-being not addressed or not relevant to topic 0.5-1pts 0pts Community well-being is addressed and relevant to topic chosen. Self Defense for Rape Prevention on Campus Project. Details and evidence from peerreviewed sources are provided 2pts Community well-being is addressed but not extensively supported by peer-reviewed sources Community well-being not addressed or not relevant to topic 0.5-1pts 0pts Professional journals used extensively to support assertions. 2pts Some professional journals used Little scientific evidence or evidence did not support the argument 0-1pts 0.5-1pts /2 /2 /2 Points _______/16 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: What is this program, who is it for, how is it delivered, what are the core components? Risk Factors Program aims Intended audience Exemplary Satisfactory Unacceptable Multiple risk factors of the occurrence or development of the problem are identified at individual, group, and societal/environmental levels. 3-4pts Some risk factors of this problem are mentioned but not discussed comprehensively Lacks an organized presentation of risk factors for the problem or lists other outcomes/ problems that this problem is a risk factor for. 0.5-0pt Program goals described in detail including relevance to the topic 3-4pts Intended audience of program is described in detail 2pts Program description lacks depth and detail 1-2pts 1-2pts Audience referenced but not described Program not described or program not relevant to the topic 0.5-0pt Intended audience not describe or is not relevant. 0.5-1pt 0pt Total /4 /4 /2 2 Fall 2020 HPS 330 Project Scoring Sheet Program delivery Program components Methods used by program including training of presenters, recruitment of participants, and delivery was clearly explained 3-4pts Program components listed and described in detail. 3pts Some methods described, but descriptions were limited No methods described or presentation superficial 1-2pts Not all program components are addressed 2pt 0.5-0pt Program components under-elaborated or absent /4 /3 0-1pts Points ___/17 PROGRAM MATERIALS: Submit with a coversheet with your name and a brief comment on your analysis of them: Are they sufficient to facilitate program implementation? Did you research show that the materials exist but fees are charged to obtain them? PROGRAM MATERIALS: If someone wanted to deliver this program, what would they need? Materials contain publicity, training, and implementations components Organization and Presentation Exemplary Satisfactory Unacceptable Materials are specific to program focus and document how training is accomplished Materials are relevant but do not document implementation Materials are superficial or irrelevant to program such as pamphlets /1 1pts Organized and includes a table of contents 0.5pt Materials are inadequately documented as to type 0pts Materials are completely disorganized or weren’t submitted /1 1pts Resources required and personnel qualifications Author has obtained information on the costs of materials to implement the program and has considered the personnel and resources needed 2pts Resource information is incomplete Total 0pts Resource information is absent /2 0.5-1pt 0-1pts Points____/4 3 Fall 2020 HPS 330 Project Scoring Sheet PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS: Does it work? How do we know? Ho Self Defense for Rape Prevention on Campus Project. w can it be improved? Identification and description of program evaluation studies Conclusion about program aims Strengths/ weaknesses of program listed How might program be improved? Exemplary Satisfactory Unacceptable Scientific evidence of program effectiveness is presented Program evaluation discussion limited with few or no scientific studies presented 1-2pts Limited mention of extent to which program achieves its stated aims 1-2pts Addressed but may be only 1 strength or weakness. Mentioned, but with weak arguments 2-3pts Limited discussion of improvement with general suggestions for program improvement Program not evaluated or no evaluation is discussed 2-3pts 0-1pt 3-4pts Clearly states and articulates extent to which program achieves its stated aims 3-4pts Addressed and evaluated strengths and weaknesses using good arguments. More than 1 strength and more than 1 weakness 4-5pts Multiple intelligent, innovative, practical, specific plans or suggestions for how program can be improved were presented 4-5pts Total /4 0.5-0pt No mention of extent to which program achieves its stated aims 0.5-0pt Strengths and weaknesses not addressed or critical thinking is lacking 0-1pt No substantive plans and little evidence of thought about potential program improvement /4 /5 /5 Points _____/18 pts WRITING: This paper is written in a professional/ academic tone that is easy to read and makes use of correct grammar, spelling, and structure. Grammar/ Spelling Organization/ Transitions Exemplary Satisfactory Needs improvement Few or no mistakes Consistent mistakes 2pts Flows well. Structured, organized, and easy to read 0.5-1pt Follows a framework, but lacks flow and smooth transitions 0.5-1pt Several errors provide a distraction 0pts Lacks organization and direction 2pts Total /2 /2 0pts 4 Fall 2020 HPS 330 Project Scoring Sheet Quality of writing: logic, sentence structure, clarity Correctly cited in APA or AMA style Format: Double-spaced in 12 point font, between 15 and 20 pages including references. Logical/ clear thoughts are presented in an academic tone 2pts In-text citations and works cited page are correctly formatted 2pts Uses run-on sentences, or lacks in clarity of thought 05.-1pt In-text citations missing or incorrect 0.5-1pt 0pts Complete paper with correct formatting Formatting is correct but page limit is not met. Or vice versa. 0.5-1pt Does not meet page requirement. Incorrect formatting. Self Defense for Rape Prevention on Campus Project 0pts 2pts Lacks academic tone and clarity of thought /2 0pts Reference page and/ or in-text citations missing /2 /2 Points _____/10 pts TOTAL WRITTEN POINTS: /65 Class Activity (60) Quality: Activity elements were extremely clear, engaging and focused Preparedness, engaging attitudes, being able to lead the class Exemplary Satisfactory Unacceptable Activity progressed well, and group members were confident in the flow of activity and engaged the class Overall flow needed additional work and sometimes appeared unprepared. 10-12pts 6-9pts Activity was not at all prepared and practiced. Instructions were unclear and could not promote a proper activity environment Total /12 0-5pts Points____/12 5 Fall 2020 HPS 330 Project Scoring Sheet Concept of Program: Outline and execution of class activity is easy to understand and follow and relates to program Program execution and demonstration; activity relates back to program Exemplary Satisfactory Unacceptable Program activity execution was well-thought out and delivered in a believable manner. Demonstrated key components of program with precision. Program outcomes are clear. Program activity execution was sometimes confusing and a little difficult to understand. Demonstrators weren’t completely believable in their roles. Outcomes mostly clear. Poor program activity execution and very confusing. Demonstrators aren’t believable. Can’t understand purpose of program or expected outcomes. 14-18pts Total /18 0-8pts 8-14pts Points____/18 Presentation of Evidence: Discussion of curriculum and evidence from program is clear Evidence from research and curriculum is discussed, laid out, and incorporated into program activity execution Exemplary Satisfactory Unacceptable Evidence from research or curriculum is clearly incorporated into program activity and demonstration. Could be used in a professional public health setting. Aspects of program activity demonstration do not appear to be evidence-based or make sense, but much of it does. Program activity is clearly NOT evidence-based and could never be used in a truly professional public health setting. 14-18pts 8-14pts Total /18 0-8pts Points____/18 6 Fall 2020 HPS 330 Project Scoring Sheet Timing Length of activity and overall quality of content Exemplary Satisfactory Unacceptable Activity does not exceed 10 minutes and contains highquality, informative content. Does not ramble on or feel rushed. Activity is either slightly rushed to fill 10 min with a bit too much content, or rambles at certain points to fill 10 min time requirement. Timing is inadequate; either way too short or long; rambles on or is very rushed. Timing is distracting and deters from quality of content. 6-9pts 0-5pts Total /12 10-12pts Points____/12 TOTAL ACTIVITY POINTS: /60 Graded by: _____________________________________________________ EXTRA CREDIT (if any): TOTAL POINTS: /110 NARRATIVE COMMENTS: 7 … Purchase answer to see full attachment. Self Defense for Rape Prevention on Campus Project. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10

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