?Unit VI Project Inspection List Checklist Expansion
?Unit VI Project Inspection List Checklist Expansion
?Unit VI Project Inspection List Checklist Expansion ? ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON ?Unit VI Project Inspection List Checklist Expansion Continuing on with the inspection checklist created in Unit V, expand on the inspection checklist, and include considerations for the following: ? Fire hazards and other issues of life safety Unit VI Project Inspection List Checklist Expansion o This area should include items such as existing fire systems, recommendations for any new systems, fire hazards (including the storage of flammable items and/or materials), emergency lighting, illuminated exit signs, and means of egress ? The need for any industrial hygiene testing for lighting, noise, vibration, or any other similar hazard ? The identification of any confined spaces or permit-required confined spaces o Is there a written program? o Are there permits available? o Is there a need for industrial hygiene testing? ? Computers, automation of processes and/or machinery, and/or the use of robotics Your inspection checklist should consist of at least two pages. Please be sure to cite all sources used. Save this expanded checklist for use in Unit VII. Textbook Citation: Goetsch, D. L. (2015). Occupational safety and health for technologists, engineers, and managers (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. attachment_1 attachment_2 attachment_3 Unit V Project Samantha Miller Dr. Bart Eltz Inspection Checklist An inspection is crucial in reducing exposure to hazards and risk in the workstations. However, to achieve this, the inspection uses a checklist. A checklist is a list of things or items used to verify if the company has put significant measures in place to reduce or avoid injuries and accidents in the workplace. The checklist assists in clarifying inspection controls, responsibilities, controlling the activities of the inspection and gives a full report. The checklist also helps with on spot recording of results and comments. Each inspection should examine what, who, where, how and when (Goetsch, 2015). It should pay attention to things that are likely to become unhealthy or unsafe due to wear, stress, vibration, and heat. Inspection Checklist Organization: _______________________________ Name of the Job: ___________________________ Date: ____________________ Inspectors Name: __________________________ Inspectors Signature: _______________________ Checklist Yes N/A Associated Disorder Comments and Recommendations Workstation Hazards Does the company have comfortable seats for daily use? Do you think the arrangement of the seats is meant to minimize frequent movement? Handling of objects and Equipment Hazards Does the company have special equipment and machinery to handle objects and for easier lifting? Does the operation areas have machinery to make the operations efficient to the employees? Movements Hazards Are tools and equipment made in a way to minimize frequent movement? Does the company have flexible seats to accommodate free movement in the workstation? For instance, do the chairs have enough space to swivel? Does the workstation have backups like telephones to minimize employees movement from one station to another when passing information? Does the arrangement of employees minimize movements in the workstation? The Equipment Hazards Does the company have screens, guards and sound-dampening equipment in place? If yes, are they effective? Do you think the furniture in the workplace is safe? Are the chairs badly designed or worn out? Do the cabinets and desks have sharp edges? Do you think the company has poor ergonomics in terms of chair adjustment and keyboard elevation? Are the ladders well maintained and safe? Vision Hazards Does the company have necessary instruments to warn or alert the workers of exposure to hazardous lights? Are the workers equipped with PPE to reduce or control the vision problems? Do the workers deal with glare or eyestrain when performing their duties and responsibilities? Unit VI Project Inspection List Checklist Expansion Excessive Noise Hazards Do the machines in the workplace make excessive noise? Does the company have necessary practices aimed at controlling noise in the workstations? Does the company have installed equipment like soft boards to minimize noise and echo? Does the company put notices to alert workers against exposure to excessive noisy areas? Lifting Tasks Hazards Does any job need prolonged lifting and arm raising? Do the workers complain of shoulder and neck pain after lifting? Do employees encounter pressure points on their body parts (forearms, wrist, and backs)? Excessive Temperature Hazards Does the company have appropriate tools to control the temperatures in the workstations? Does the company provide necessary equipment to workers working in extremely hot or cold areas, e.g. the cold rooms and boilers? Do the workers place notices to alert workers when entering extremely hot or cold areas? Need for an inspection checklist Most organizations have implemented efficiently ergonomic remedies in their premises as a way of tackling their employees MSD injury vulnerabilities. The interventions includes modification of existing equipment and machinery, making alterations in the workstation and buying new tools and devices to help in the process of production. The changes can reduce physical damages, eradicate unnecessary movements, reduce the rates of injury and the compensation costs associated with these injuries. It can also minimize employee turnover. In most cases, work productivity and efficiency have improved as well. Low-cost and simple solutions are mostly available to solve ergonomic challenges (Goetsch, 2015). However, detecting these challenges requires an inspection checklist like the one presented above. In addition, workplace inspections assist in the prevention of injuries, incidents, and illnesses. Using a comprehensive examination of the workstation, they help to recognize and record risks for corrective activities. Safety and Health committees can assist in planning, conducting, reporting, and monitoring inspections (Goetsch, 2015). The company should adopt a strategy of regularly conducting workplace inspections as part of their general occupational safety and health program as well as the management system. Conclusion A keen examination of the inspection checklist presented above will show that ergonomic hazards are caused by psychological and physiological demands on the employees. Consequently, this encompasses forceful and repetitive movements, bad or awkward postures due to an improper arrangement of seats and other equipment in the workplace, bad work methods, inappropriate designs of the work tools and workstations. With the help of the above checklist, a company can be able to identify its ergonomic hazards and implement measures to deal with them to ensure workers satisfaction and minimize employee turnover. Workers are known to stay in an organization that provides the best work environment and working conditions. Unit VI Project Inspection List Checklist Expansion Reference Goetsch, D. L. (2015). Occupational safety and health for technologists, engineers, and managers (8th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10
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