The Financial Services Industry
Written Assignment Topic is: You have just been appointed the regulatory czar for the financial services industry. Wave your magic wand and it will be done! What regulations and structures will you add or eliminate? What risks are you most worried about; who needs to be protected? Can the system be streamlined or should we add more regulatory bodies? What benefits will come from your tenure as regulatory czar? For each topic, your paper must: 1.Be 1,000-1,025 words (not including citation summary, name, title) Must be in Word format 2.Describe present situation briefly, and the future (what you expect/want/hope to happen). The best papers will be heavily weighted toward your opinion. The most important factor is that you have a view and support it. Nobody has the absolute correct answer so no view is incorrect (it is okay and encouraged to have a view different from the one you might think I have). 3. Do not add significant quotations and/or citations. I am not requiring a bibliography. Rather, I prefer a list of sources that you utilized; recent articles in business/finance periodicals are a good area to focus. Each paper runs through Turnitin technology, so plagiarism is easily detected. 4.Be grammatically correct and spell checked. Typos and grammar errors make papers hard to read and usually receive a C or worse grade. 5. Be readable, interesting, based in fact, and have a well-formed and substantiated opinion. Have fun; be imaginative. 6.Hint The best submissions are those where the first draft is 1500 words long. Then, the writer reads through and eliminates all of the “in my opinion”, I believe”, “I think” and other unnecessary filler words and expressions. Then, one edits the paper into the tight range of words. The whole idea of the tight range of 1,000-1,025 words is to make the writer pick the words more carefully. I don’t want to know what the existing regulation are or the history of regulation. I want to know what you would do if you were in charge. For your plan go with 3-5 ideas. Defend your point, come up with what is the problem you are trying to solve and why your it’s your solution will solve the problem
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