This course is all about deriving insight through research and analysis of both your market and potential market. Those who buy your product, to whom you deliver a service, whom you want to join your church or donate to your missionthe process is the same. Look closely at your affiliates and potential affiliates and design a campaign, not just reach them, but to touch them at a deeper level. For the purpose of this assignment, you will mirror the book and refer to them as consumers. Whether you work for a for-profit or non-profit, the most effective messages are shaped by insight into the individuals and groups you need to attract to become your customers, donors, or membersthose who consume your services or are moved to action by your communications. It all begins with insight, and insight starts with actionable research. We use research to generate insight into the most effective creative messaging to reach consumers, using a creative understanding of the story we need to tell to touch the personality and shape the perceptions of a target audience regarding a product, brand, service, and/or organization. Your Challenge: YMCA Discuss how the organization YMCA has used research to successfully shape a consumer narrative and marketing communication plan. What was the research done? How did it shape the strategic product, narrative, creative messaging, and/or tactics that resulted in successfully expanding market share and growing the organization? How did the research provide insight into how to successfully approach the market? How did that insight, in turn, shape the strategic communication campaign? The Project Paper will be written following current APA 7 style, including a title page, abstract and references. The Project Summary will also follow current APA 7 style but does not need a title page or abstract. These are TWO distinct papers. Notice that the section requirements and the deliverables are different. Do not just copy and paste paragraphs from the Summary into the Project Paper. Course Project Summary THE YMCA You are to submit a summary presenting your choice of product, organization, or service that has used the insights derived from research to drive a growth strategy. During succeeding modules/weeks, you will then research your choice, thoroughly connecting a particular type(s) of research to insight and then action on the part of the organization/product/service selected. For example, you might choose the organization that employs you, if it has used research and analysis of the market effectively, or a consumer goods company that has revitalized its products and industry with insights derived from research (Dove, for example, comes to mindbut you may choose any product that has had clear insights generated through research), etc. To complete this assignment your summary should resemble a traditional APA 7th ed paper with a cover page, headings and page numbers. You should open your paper with a one paragraph introduction arguing your campaign and research justification. Each section of your paper should use the four topics below and must include at least 4 paragraphs (and a minimum of 2 articles justifying each topic) for each section below. A reference page is required and intext citations should be evident: (Use the numbered list below as the sections for your paper) Chosen organization/product/service. THE YMCA Explain the challenge facing your choice, the role that research played in generating an insight(s) to meet that challenge, and resulting success (we want to write about successes here. That gives us the most insight from this paper). Research. What kind(s) of research was undertaken? What were the results? How did the insights derived produce the foundation for a creative communication campaign, andif appropriatethe revamping of both the product/organization/service and the message to the market? Consumer Insight. How did this research provide a greater and more unique understanding of the users and potential users of this product? How did this then shape subsequent action? Result. What were the specific results over what period of time. For example, was market share increased, and by how much? Was more product sold? How many more members did that megachurch put in the seats? How many souls saved, units sold of that new brand of chocolate milk, etc. To be clear: you are expected to write a MINIMUM of 18 paragraphs (and at least 8 sources), which should include an introduction, 4 paragraphs per each section above (16 total), and a conclusion.
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