Total Cost Management
Research 4: Total cost management Topics need to be covered in your research Total cost management framework What is the company looks like without total cost management? What are the advantages of total cost management? Process Value Analysis System Activity-Based Costing System and Total Cost Management Target Costing and its Correlation to Total Cost Management Performance Measurement System Responsibility Accounting System Continuous Improvement Key Performance Indicators Suggested References: American Association of Cost Engineering (Ed.). (n.d.). Total Cost Management Framework: An Integrated Approach to … Retrieved October 25, 2016, from Balfaqih, H., Nopiah, Z., Saibani, N., & Al-Nory, M. (2016). Review of supply chain performance measurement systems: 1998–2015. Retrieved from Bannister, S. (2006, April 01). Management of Continual Improvement for Facilities and Activities: A structured Approach. Bayou, M. E., & Reinstein, A. (1998). Three routes for target costing. Managerial Finance, 24(1), 28-45. Retrieved from Drury, C. (2005). Management accounting for business decision (3rd Ed.). New Hampshire: Thomson Learning. Ellram, L. M. (2006). The implementation of target costing in the United States: Theory versus practice. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 42(1), 13-26. Retrieved from Estampe, D., Lamouri, S., Paris, J., & Brahim-Djelloul, S. (2010). A framework for analyzing supply chain performance evaluation models. Retrieved from Fahmy, A. (2016). Proposed Total Cost Management Framework [Diagram]. Hilton, R. W. (2004). Managerial Accounting, (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Hollmann, J. K. (2006). Total cost management framework: An integrated approach to portfolio, program, and project management. Morgantown, W. Va.: AACE International Jagannathan, D. (2016). Total Cost Management. Presentation, Juran, Joseph M. and A. Blanton Godfrey. Juran’s Quality Handbook, 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999. Laihonen, H. & Pekkola, S. (2016) Impacts of using a performance measurement system in supply chain management: a case study, International Journal of Production Research, 54:18, 5607 – 5617, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2016.1181810 Portz, K., & Lere, J. C. (2010). Cost center practices in Germany and the United States: Impact of country differences on managerial accounting practices. American Journal of Business, 25(1), 45-51. Retrieved from Process Value Analysis – PVA. (2011). Retrieved from value-analysis-pva.asp PWC. (2007). Guide to Key Performance Indicators Communicating the Measures That Matter. Retrieved 2016, from Reyhanoglu, M. (2004, July 01). Activity-Based Costing System Advantages and Disadvantages. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.644561 Rich, N., Holweg, M., & Dipl. – Wirtschaftsing. (2016). Value Analysis, Value Engineering. Lean Enterprise Research Centre. Skoda, M., Slavikova, G., & Lajcin, D. (2014, August 18). The only Correct Calculation Method in Cost Management: From Activity Based Costing Perspective. Journal of Business & Management, 3(3). doi:10.12735/jbm.v3i3p08
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