Transformational Leaders in Nursing Leadership & Management
Transformational Leaders in Nursing Leadership & Management ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Transformational Leaders in Nursing Leadership & Management Transformational Leader Assignment COURSE OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: Examine how change is a necessary component of nursing leadership and nursing management. Apply principles of nursing leadership to the change process with the desired outcome of increasing safety and improving the quality of care. Implement (i.e. apply) leadership and management approaches that foster effective teamwork and collaboration, lead to productive change, and result in unified practice and positive ongoing relationships. Utilize leadership and management strategies that incorporate evidence-based practice. Create positive leadership and management skills that influence individuals globally. Assignment Description / Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to allow students the opportunity to explore, evaluate, and apply principles of management and leadership to transformation leaders. Students will also examine and evaluate how these leaders dealt with change and overcame obstacles. Assignment Instructions: Purchase one of the books about a transformational leader from the list below: Allen, P. (2012). Idea Man . New York, NY. Penguin Books. Dunwoody, A. (2015). A Higher Standard: Leadership Strategies from Americas first female Four-Star General. Philadelphia, PA. Da Capo Press. Gabler, N. (2007). Walt Disney: The Triumph of American Imagination. New York, NY. Random House. Hamilton, L.M. & Wyatt, N. (2015). Florence Nightingale: A Life Inspired. Sudbury, Massachusetts, Wyatt North Publishing . Isaacson. W. (2016). Steve Jobs. New York, NY. Simon and Schuster. Morrell, M., & Capparell, S. (2001). Shackeltons way. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin Books. Phillips, D.T. (2009). Lincoln on Leadership. Grand Central Publishing: New York:NY. Roosevelt, E. (1960). You learn by living . New York, NY. Harper & Row. Willink, J. & Babin, L. (2017). Extreme Ownership. New York, NY. St. Martins Press. Address the following areas with at least two paragraphs . For each question, be specific with your examples showing that you read the book. Use APA 6th edition format for in-text citations. See APA manual p. 174-178. See the matrix for specific questions in each area: A. Leadership Trait(s) B. Conflict Management C. Collaboration D. Servant-Leadership E. Great Achievement of Failure F. Decision-Making G. Leadership Theory H. Favorite Chapter Submit: Submit the completed worksheet attached Transformational Leader matrix. Be sure to include all of the questions listed in the assignment description (above). APA 7th edition format required for in-text citation (each question) as well as the reference. attachment_1 Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10
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