Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars
“Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars” – when we communicate whether at home or in the office, it often seems that men and women are indeed from different planets! In addition to gender, consider the differences that result between different generations and the challenge for effective communication becomes even greater. Research effective communication strategies for two specific groups: gender and generation (i.e. Baby boomers, Gen X, Gen Z, Millennials, Silent,9/11). Compare and contrast how communication can be altered to improve the ways that information is received and processed for both of these groups. Feel free to incorporate work examples or experiences to support your position. Directions to student: The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response. You will be writing three or more discussion posts per week. Your main post must be two to three substantive paragraphs 150-200 total words and include at least two APA-formatted citations/references. Please follow up with two subsequent replies to colleagues. Each reply should consist of a relevant paragraph containing 100 words or more. Do not use plagiarism teacher is very strict. Please provide turn it in report
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