[Solved] Leadership Setting

The paper will generally answer this question: How would the biblical/theological foundation of Sanctification and inform leadership in the following 5 areas: purpose of leadership, the role of the leader, role of the follower, leadership methodology, and leadership setting?   A suggested structure for the paper is the following:   1.     Introduction (including your thesis statement) – 1–2 page(s) 2.     Explanation of doctrine – 5 pages a.       Theological term  (Explain the theological term) – 2 pages b.       Biblical Foundation (Trace the term throughout Scripture) – 3 pages 3.     Application of the doctrine to the life of the leader – 5 pages a.       How does this doctrine form/inform the purpose of leadership? – 1 page b.       How does this doctrine form/inform the role of the leader? – 1 page c.       How does this doctrine form/inform the role of the follower? – 1-page d.       How does the doctrine form/inform one’s leadership methodology? – 1 page e.       Apply your understanding of a specific leadership setting. – 1 page 4.     Conclusion (summarize your paper) – 1–2 page(s) 5.     Reference page with at least 20 sources

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[Solved] Jesus Christ

This course is About The Meaning of Jesus Christ. My topic is Kenyon Appraisal. I Need 2 paged MLA Format on Kenyon appraisal and correlate that to Jesus and the meaning of Jesus. Then formulate a question at the end for readers. Need this early morning of December 11th. For more information on Jesus Christ read this:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_Christ

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[Solved] Religion

I have to do this paper following the proposal that i sent, it has to be a total of 4 sources. The paper has to be 1250 words excluding the works cited page.  My proposal is: How does religion affect your life? and my three supportive questions are:  How does religion affect you mentally? Does following the bible have an impact on your daily actions? What are the negative and positive effects of religion in your life? For more information on Religionread this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion

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[Solved] World Religions

TOPIC: Christianity and Other Religions In order to complete this assignment, an understanding of the fundamental tenants of the Christian faith is necessary. Review the topic materials to help inform your responses. Complete the “Christianity and Other Religions” document prompts that consider how a Christian might benefit from a study of other religions. Support your personal reflections with examples and constructive thoughts. Utilize the course textbook and a minimum of four additional academic resources, which should include topic materials and external resources. Complete the following prompts that consider how a Christian might benefit from a study of other religions. Support your personal reflections with examples and constructive thoughts. Utilize the course textbook and a minimum of three additional academic resources, which should include topic materials and external resources. What sets biblical Christianity apart from other religions? (125 words or less)Can Christian dialogue with other religious traditions be a part of the calling to proclaim the gospel      of the kingdom that Jesus preached? Support your position with at least one resource. (125 words or less)What can Christians learn from other religious traditions? Support your position with at least one      resource. (125 words or less)Can religious experiences or teachings in other faiths be validated as objectively true? Explain using      supportive examples. (125 words)How can Christians think critically about their encounters with members of other faiths within the      framework of the Christian worldview? (175 words)Reflect on your personal beliefs. How does your worldview fit within the framework of Christianity      and other religious beliefs? How have your life experiences shaped your worldview? (225 words)Resources Read the “Introduction to the First Edition” and Chapter 1 in the Neighboring Faiths: A Christian Introduction to World Religions. View the video, “Read Scripture Part I: Matthew 1-13,” located on The Bible Project website. URL: https://thebibleproject.com/explore/matthew/ View the video, “Read Scripture Part II: Matthew 14-28” located on The Bible Project website. URL: https://thebibleproject.com/explore/matthew/ Read “Don’t All Religions Lead to God?” by Ewing, from the RZIM website (2014). URL: http://www.rzim.org/a-slice-of-infinity/dont-all-religions-lead-to-god/ Read “Genesis According to the Miao People,” by Truax, from the Institute for Creation Research (1991). URL: http://www.icr.org/article/genesis-according-miao-people/ Read “God and the Religions: New Turns in the Debate: or, Reviving Disputation: Right and Wrong Ways to Think about Other Religions,” by McDermott, from Pro Ecclesia (2005). URL:https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=rfh&AN=ATLA0001587077&site=eds-live&scope=site View the video, “Gospel of the Kingdom” located on The Bible Project website. URL: https://thebibleproject.com/explore/gospel-kingdom/ Read “Isn’t Christianity Arrogant?” by Bannister, from the RZIM website. URL: http://www.rzim.org/a-slice-of-infinity/isnt-christianity-arrogant/ Read the “Introduction and First Edition” and Chapter 1 in Neighboring Faiths: A Christian Introduction to World Religions. URL:https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.credoreference.com/content/entry/columency/orthodox_eastern_church/0?institutionId=5865Read “Protestantism,” by McGrath, from the Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology (2011).URL:https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?qurl=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.credoreference.com.lopes.idm.oclc.org%2Fcontent%2Fentry%2Fcupdct%2Fprotestantism%2F0 Read “Roman Catholic Church” from The Columbia Encyclopedia (2017).URL:https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?qurl=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.credoreference.com.lopes.idm.oclc.org%2Fcontent%2Fentry%2Fcolumency%2Froman_catholic_church%2F0 View the video, “The Story of the Bible,” located on The Bible Project website.URL: https://thebibleproject.com/videos/the-story-of-the-bible/ View the video, “What is the Bible?” located on The Bible Project website.URL:https://thebibleproject.com/videos/what-is-bible/

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